Monday, January 2, 2012


2011 Recap:

This has been one of the best and one of the worst years of my life. There have been 2 times in my life where I can pinpoint exactly where I grew up and changed and this summer was one of those times. It was an extremely difficult time for me, but I can honestly say I'm glad it happened. I had a huge wake up call and I've stuck to my school goals since then. (Woot Woot 3.3 GPA!)
This year wasn't good for my weightloss which I'm disappointed about. I definitely put losing weight on the back burner, but I also know that I've had a lot on my plate and there were more pressing issues (like getting back into school).

On the plus side, I've met the love of my life and have had the best 10 months of my life. He motivates me, he supports me, and he loves me unconditionally. It's amazing how comfortable around him I am. I know the dating books tell you to be mysterious and keep some of yourself hidden, but I'm completely honest with him. I feel like crying? You bet it'll come out, and I'm not a pretty crier either.
I moved into my own apartment with 3 friends and the independence is amazing. I'm budgeting my money really well, I'm keeping my place tidy, and I've built myself a HOME. I feel so happy and right in Edmonton now.
Another plus is that I've learned who my real friends are. While this comes with the negative aspect of learning who wasn't a good friend, the positive far outweighs the negative. I said goodbye to some people who were dragging me down and weren't treating me right. I've learned to accept myself and to accept other's faults. And it feels so good.
I also learned that all my accomplishments need to be for myself and not for others. I've always felt like nothing I do is good enough for my parents and I recently learned that even when I try my best, I still get reprimanded and yelled at. Turns out this hurts a lot more when I've done my best because I know I couldn't have done more. But on the bright side, I've emotionally cut myself off from that and now know that if I do something, it'll only feel good if I rely solely on how I feel about it.

My goals for 2012:
Lose 60 pounds. That's a little over one pound a week. I hope I can blow this one out of the water.
Go to the gym/exercise at least 3 times a week. Fitting in some time to take care of myself should boost my happiness all around, plus it'll help with the weight loss goal.
Minimum 3.0 GPA for the year
Meet 5 new interesting people that I can become friends with
Join a club or team of some kind
Become financially independent
Be tidier, don't procrastinate cleaning

I know these are a lot of goals, but I've learned that it's all about the process. I'll work on these things bit by bit.

Overall, 2011 has been a great year. I've got the building blocks, now I just need to go out and get the things I want.

2012... here I come.


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