Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Well, so far I've really sucked at the "post on my blog more!" goal. Whoops.

But! I have been KILLING my other goals. Since my last blog post in January, I have lost 23.5 pounds so I'm well on my way to 60 for the whole year. I've got a part time job that I've been working at since the beginning of January so that helps with the saving money goal. I'm also doing really well at the job and love my coworkers/boss which makes a huge difference. Cleaning my room is still something I loathe doing, but you can consistently see the floor now which is a bonus. Also, my room is less of a safety hazard now.

Life has been really busy. Keeping a high GPA means having little to no social life. Turns out you have to work pretty damn hard to get good grades, weird hey? I coasted through high school and I figured I could do the same for university. Nope. Turns out that REALLY doesn't work. So after messing around for the first 2 years of my degree, the last year has been filled with really hard work and long hours. It's totally paid off though. This semester, I'm holding a 4.0 GPA. Yup. Hopefully I can keep that up.

Other than my boring school life, I'm still dating Kenny. It's been 15 months now and we're as good as ever. We really don't fight or anything, we have our spats (which is healthy) but they usually last for literally 5 seconds. It just shows me how immature some people are in their relationships and why they'll never work out. I really think our being adults is what makes our relationship so filled with respect.

Hmm..what else.



I have some bad news.

On the 1st of May, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. They think I've had it since about February or March, so we got it early on. At first I was devastated, but I've kept my head high and I've made a lot of changes. Turns out I also have thyroid disease which makes it hard for me to lose weight and easy for me to put on weight. They think this is something I've had since I was a baby which probably contributed to my struggles for the last bagillion years. 

I'll go into more detail another time. Right now I thought I'd just throw it out there. I've told people that are close to me, but maybe there will be some people out there who would benefit from hearing about my journey of controlling my diabetes. 

All in all, things are really great right now.

But, as always, I have to run. I have a LOT of studying to do with what feels like 0 hours to do it all. 


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