First Night Mayhem
Last night I spent my first night in residence.
While I was far more sober than others (a glass door was broken!), I still had fun. There is one girl hallway on my floor and 2 boys hallways. My floor's theme is Wayne's World - I better watch it so I understand what all this ''sch-wing!'' business is about.
I'm on the 4th floor, and during the day the sun is on the opposite side of the building. This means that my room is light, but I don't get the heat.. I get the breeze!
You all know how I hate being hot so this is perfect. At night I get the evening sun which sends a nice glow throughout my room.
My dorm room is larger than I thought it would be, I have 2 windows that open and one that's always closed. I have 2 closets, a dresser, a big corner desk, and a shelf above my bed. Photos soon!
There's more than enough room for a sleep over or two :)
You'll all be proud - I set up my internet myself! Even though I'm computer inept most of the time I figured it out.
I'm currently setting up my new printer. No fatalities so far, even though I had to climb ontop of my dresser last night (3am - I couldn't sleep) so that I could reach the internet jack.
As an early birthday present, my mum bought me an ipod dock.
Now there is a constant stream of music out of my room. A girl down the hallway told me she likes hearing it, it means someone's always nearby.
Everyone is sharing their itunes with me so that I can download their music - I'm the party music girl.
I thought there would be more Arts kids on my floor, but I'm one of 2. Everyone else is in Phys Ed or Engineering.
My floor has the cutest boys - we scoped the tower out. The only problem so far? One of the boys looks almost exactly like a certain boy I shall not name who I was hoping to forget about for a long while. They could be twin brothers! Oh well.
Most of the girls on my floor already know each other from before - they're from a town called ManVille (sp?) that has only 700 people in it. This is half of my highschool as their whole population! It's crazy. It's a little tough, but I'm trying to make my way in slowly.
I just wish I could bring my best friends here with me.. I miss you all an immense amount already.
I'm excited for school, but right now I wish this school was in Vancouver so I could be back home.