I Just Want To Be Sedated
Last semester I didn't do well in school, thanks to my friend Swine Flu. This semester I'm really having to kick it into high gear so that I don't get on academic probation - very embarassing.
I'm doing really well in my Play Analysis class, decently in English, and pretty well in Sociology. My first midterm for soc was good, but I knew I could have done better. I just didn't start studying soon enough. This time I've been studying for a week and I think I can ace it. I'm just nervous. I'm going to get a good night's sleep and that should help.
Still freakin' nervous though.
Gagsalot is having a rough time, but I don't no how to help anymore. I've given all the advice I can, now all I can do is be there for her which I will do until the end. It's what a good friend does - seems some people in my life don't know the defintion anymore.
Drunken text messages do not a good friend make.
On a side note, i did a great job shopping for groceries with Dino and Beaver today. Only $30 for about 2 weeks worth of groceries! Usually I just buy everything in sight. I'm growing up.
On a side note, I can't wait to go back to camp as a counsellor for another year at camp.
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