Monday, November 15, 2010

Spice Up Your Life

If you know me in real life, you'll know that I don't really have a set "style".
One day I'm wearing a floral dress with cute earrings, the next day I have heavy eyeliner and I'm rocking the studded, well, everything look.

I'm constantly changing my look. I like change, I find it exciting. I get bored quickly and easily.
I just changed my hair :) It is now a purpley red, like it was in september. My hair was looking kind of brown lately and while that looks great and works well for some people, it's my own personal nightmare. I think I'm going to put my nose ring in again. Yes, I like the jeweled stud but it doesn't feel special. Plus I only changed the ring in the first place because we were having snobby family photos taken and my mum didn't want me to look like (and I quote) a "barn yard animal/biker girlfriend".

Sorry mum, but I'm feeling the barn yard animal biker girlfriend look again.

I need more tattoos and piercings. Sigh.


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