Monday, April 4, 2011

100th Post!

100th post!
That's so exciting. Thanks to everyone that reads my blog. It may seem trivial, but it means a lot to me. I appreciate the support and love!

This post is going to be a very happy one which feels great.

KCat slept over last night. Now I'm lying in bed and it feels lonely. It's the best lonely feeling I've ever felt - knowing I have something so great, if that makes sense. Last night

Everything by Michael Buble came on his ipod and he took my hand and danced with me in my room. Just the two of us at midnight. Dancing in my crowded little dorm room. And it was perfect. It was such a sweet little moment.

I've really found a good guy here.

Also! I'm staying in Edmonton this summer. I think it's better for my mental health. None of my friends from Alberta are going home for the summer really (except for Pi. fail Pi!) so it'll be a great time. I was going to have to go back to Vancouver, but I got a job at West Edmonton Mall! I went on friday and handed out my resume and got hired on the spot at the Disney Store, which, hello! is perfect for me. I'm really excited.

Man I am just in the best mood right now. Life is going so well.

You're a swimming pool on an August day, you're the perfect thing to say.
When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby, don't pretend that you don't know it's true
Because you can see it when I look at you.


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