Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can I Kiss You?

Today was a long day, sans bee pollen Booster Juice.

I was kicked out of Spanish yesterday because I was too advanced (some say smarty pants, I prefer genius) and moved up a couple levels.
Now, I'm not the brightest star in the sky... I went back to my original Spanish class because I can't seem to read a time table properly. Who knows how I'm surviving right now.

After waking up this morning to yet more air balloons outside my window - 2 today - I got ready in a hurry because I thought I'd slept through my alarm. I couldn't find my phone in all my sheets and it was so light outside that I assumed I must have slept through my morning classes. Panicked, I threw my clothes on and ran a brush through my hair. I found my cell phone and read the time - 7.45. An HOUR before I was set to wake up.

As I said, I prefer genius.

H was wearing the same striped shirt this morning, but changed into a purple shirt for dodgeball. He's taking risks people, it's great.

On another note, Gaga now has a UTI as well as her original illnesses.

Comet kicked butt in dodgeball today and I managed to, well, dodge... my brain is still somewhat intact.

The first years went to a presentation called ''Can I Kiss You?" which started off strange and became weirder... ''if you were interested in me right now, where would you touch me?", "pussy!", and ''let's get the kids to bed so we can have some fun at 11" are some of the quotes. Parts of it were really emotional and I think it affected a lot of people. Maybe we'll see a bit of change, at least for a little while.

I may possibly have a date with someone that I will call Choir Boy. I'm not sure if it's an actual date, but I think he asked me out to a drama performance next week. We'll see how strangely he acts in class tomorrow. I'm not in stalker mode yet.

Just you wait...


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