Naked All The Time
Living in residence most definitely has it's benefits.
You meet new people constantly, you have food nearby, you sleep whenever you want to,
and you can be naked. all the time.
Take right now for example. I'm sitting in my dorm room and I've got the lock on. What's stopping me from being naked? Nothing! No one's going to barge in on me and I don't have to be anywhere anytime soon.
I could be naked all day long if I felt like it.
On a not-so-naked side of things, I feel much better today. I got 12 hours of glorious sleep and a girl on my floor, L, walked around campus with me and helped me find my classes so I wouldn't freak out too much tomorrow. She didn't have to, but she did. She's super nice and on my floor.
One more friend, cha-ching.
We also went out to Super Store. We got on the LRT (like the skytrain in Vancouver) and got off on the last stop. Northern Edmonton is SKETCHY. We walked to Super Store, picked up 3 pounds of popcorn kernels - she brought a popcorn machine, very exciting - then we walked to the Super Store Liquor Store.
For all of you wondering why I moved to somewhere like Edmonton, Alberta, I'll now tell you why.
15 cans of beer. A decent beer. Doesn't taste like crap, doesn't taste like heaven either. Drinkable. How much, you ask? $15. WITHOUT TAX.
But who am I without my Malibu? a 26 = $21. This 26 is going to last me quittttte awhile, and I think $21 is completely reasonable.
Y'all are jealous.
So, so far school consists of beer and getting naked.
Guess I'm living the university life after all.
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