I Want To Kiss A Girl, Hold Her Tight, Maybe Make Some Magic Tonight
On one hand, it was my older sister's birthday on the 21st! Happy *24th* birthday ma sista!
(if you want to know her real age, I accept bribes in the form of cheques, presents, cash, and exceptional poetry)
I definitely wish I could have been back home on the west coast to celebrate with the family. Being away at school, I've missed out on celebrating both of my sisters' birthdays.
I'm so used to being there to join in on the fun, it's not easy hearing the stories on the other end of the phone. I know I shouldn't feel guilty, but a bit of me does. My heart aches to be missing out on these memories.
On a sadder note, September 21st was also the third anniversary of Alex's death.
No details are needed here, just a "RIP, I'm still thinking of you''.
I didn't do anything really interesting this week unfortunately.
I saw a play at the Timm's Center for Performing Arts that involved male genitalia.
I was 'lucky' enough to be sitting front row center... right where the penis was pointed.
It was unimpressive, unfortunately. I mean, if I'm going to pay $24 (I bought a flex pass) and there's penis in a show, I want to see "PENIS! let me squirm in pleasure'' not ''oh god...penis AHHH traumatizing!!''. Let's just say the actor didn't get laid after his performance.
A song just came onto Comet's ipod. All I heard was ''i'm so horny....'' then I changed it.
That reminds me! Comet's love interest turned out to be a bit of a jerk :( . It's rumoured he told the guys on our floor that his goal for the year is to sleep with 30 girls.
Comet's strong and independent, she doesn't need him, and she's moving along nicely. She says she no longer has feelings for him. Whether or not that's true, I commend her for being so dignified. It takes a lot of strength to leave your feelings behind like that.
MMM! Strawberry poptart! I recommend them to anyone.
Yesterday, Blue Eyes (Comet's roommate), Comet, and I went out to Superstore and Dollarama. That place is amazing. EVERYTHING is a dollar. Things that usually cost $20! Amazing! All the stuff I bought should have added up to about $50, but came out to only $16. Now I have a cool Marilyn Monroe scarf hanging on my wall. Life complete.
We also bought some shot glasses and today I decorated mine with gems and paint. I made it look like a corset and wrote ''thou shalt not get drunk...'' on the other side.
I should have thought about that last night at the Floor Crawl.
Let me explain Floor Crawl.
Everyone gets into pairs and makes a drink. Comet, Gaga and I decided to make Purple Tornado Jello Shots. This includes far too much vodka, grape juice, grape jello, and water.
Makes about 50 shots...
2 pkg grape jello
4 cups boiling water
1/3 of a 40 of vodka (but this is up to you, ours were strong). recommend: 1 cup of vodka
1 cup grape juice
Boil your 4 cups of water and mix in jello packages. Let cool. Mix vodka and grape juice in.
For fast set: put ice cubes into shots, take out when mixture starts to harden.
We didn't have a lot of time, so we put them in the freezer for about 45 minutes and they turned out great.
Warning: these taste great, and you'll most likely have way too many of them...
...like I did.
The point of Floor Crawl is to get trashed. Out of your mind trashed. You end up trying all these different shots and mixing a lot of alcohol. Some people have gin, some people have vodka, some people have tequila. There were ''Fresh Pussy'' shots, B 52s, viper shots, etc.
I tried one of everything (minus the viper shots, I learned my lesson about those awhile ago...) and was feeling fine. My problem is that the alcohol hadnt hit me, so I'd continued on trying new drinks.
This is when I hit the proverbial wall that is called Emma's Alcohol Tolerance.
I crashed face first into that wall and metaphorically broke every bone in my body.
I have never been that intoxicated before, nor have I ever been that sick.
I used to love the feeling of losing control when I was drunk, now I don't know why.
It took me about an hour to go from sober to ''holy crap, am I DYING?!".
Lots of alcohol + short period of time + not thinking properly = effed. up.
I really don't suggest drinking that much to anyone. Unless you have a death wish, or find barfing up your weight in liquid attractive.
Within 90 minutes I was blabbering, rolling on the floor, and not able to see a thing. Saying I had the spins is an understatement. I felt like I was on a demented Disney ride that was trying to suck my brain matter out of my ears.
According to friends, I really wanted to play Jumanji and wouldn't go into the lounge because Gaga told me there were tigers there.
Oh dear lord.
After lying on the hallway floor trying to get to the bathroom, I retreated to my room.
The girls on my floor (bless you all) took care of me, but I soon found out that the alcohol wasn't going to be staying in my body.
[insert ____ amount of time, throwing up in the bathroom]
I threw up 3 or 4 times in the bathroom. Go big or go home, eh?
I made it back to my bedroom, who knows how, where I threw up twice more into my garbage while sitting in my bed. I started to pass out (I guess black out would be the proper term) while listening to the Backstreet Boys. For some reason, as long as I could hear the boys singing I didn't need to throw up. Weird how your mind works.
I tried sleeping on my right side to face the fan, but the spins were too bad. I lay on my left side with my hands pressed against my wall, along with my face and legs. I woke up with the wall imprinted on my face. Sexy.
Why did I do this? "I needed to know where the hell I was".
I woke up this morning feeling fine, but that's only because I went to hell and back last night.
In NO WAY was all the drinking a good idea, and while some people probably laughed while reading this (that's the idea of the blog), I really don't recommend this to anyone.
It wasn't fun at all. I cried a lot, and felt really embarassed.
To go in a completely different direction, I painted my nails today. I used my kit, and decided to make a blog showing you guys how to do the crazy stuff I'm doing to my nails.
It's going to be an easy, inexpensive tutorial :) .
Peace easy guys,