Monday, June 28, 2010

I Got It From My Momma

My little sister has been complaining that I'm "too much like our mother" lately. Well, when you sit behind me kicking my computer chair and farting constantly, what do you expect?

It's irritating, but I babysat a 4 year old last week. I learned a few tricks.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sorry, You Are Not The Biggest Loser

Unfortunately, gaining weight is easy and losing weight is hard. If only it were the other way around.

I've always struggled with my weight. When I was younger, I thought I was fat. Seeing photos now, I realize that I wasn't fat. I was barely chubby in fact. I was athletic, had muscle, and looked pretty damn good. But it's hard to see that when important people in your life are telling you otherwise.

Back then I was slim and thought I was fat. Unfortunately for me, now I would say I'm fat. Because I listened to all those people and believed them, I started getting discouraged and started eating more to comfort myself. I eat to feel good. When I'm sad, I eat. When I'm lonely, I eat. When I'm angry, I eat. So what did I do?

Well, in highschool I stopped eating. Bulimia wasn't going to work for me - I couldn't even make myself swallow salt water to get a day off from school. Throwing up every meal was not going to happen. Plus, I like my teeth. I had another option. Anorexia. The problem for me was that I was a terrible anorexic. I got really hungry, and I'd binge eat. I'd get headaches that I didn't want to put up with. For a solid year I would come home from school and have a nap at 4pm because my head hurt so badly. Yeah, I lost weight. But as soon as I started eating normally again, I gained it all back.

What am I supposed to do? For 2 years, I gave up. I gained a lot of weight ONTOP of the weight I'd already gained. I'm lucky - I'm almost 5'11. If I was 5'6 I would look like the Michelin man. Not the most attractive look.

This summer I made a change. I joined Jenny Craig. I knew I couldn't do this on my own. I wasn't motivated, I was still wanting to snack, and I was still going out and drinking every weekend. It was a lot of fun, but it wasn't a healthy lifestyle. "Well, work out!" you're probably thinking. It doesn't work that way. I was too unfit to exercise properly for any length of time. I'd get tired just walking to the gym.

It's a slow process. I got a personal trainer who I see once a month. I have a work out routine that slowly gets harder. I eat only what Jenny Craig food I'm given, and salads/fruits/vegetables. I don't drink. I exercise a minimum of 3 times a week at the gym, and then 2-3 times outside of the gym. I sleep regularly. I wake up in the morning and eat breakfast (I hate eating breakfast).

I've lost 15 pounds so far, and 12 inches. With the muscle I've gained I've lost well over 20 pounds. It's been really hard. I'm tired of eating out of a plastic container. I want chocolate, and I want a dry martini really, really, really badly. But you know what?

"Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels"

I'm seeing a change. It's taken awhile for me to see my body changing at all, but I feel good. I'm nowhere near done. I still have 70 pounds to my goal weight.

Yes, 70.

It's a lifestyle change and it's worth it.

The scale will no longer tell me that I am not the biggest loser. And you know what? I'm going to have my photo in a Jenny Craig add and I will have the * next to my weight loss that says "weight loss not typical". If you work hard, you'll get the asterix because you deserve it.

"Fat" will no longer be a part of my vocabulary, starting today.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Just Wanna Rock N' Roll

all nigggght, and party every day!

Canada Day planning has begun, 3rd annual partay at my place. I can't wait, it's always such a good time. This year, I'm going bigger than last year - a 3 story beer bong. I've invited Oxymoron, because the animosity is now gone which is a really good thing. We're taking it slow and seeing how things go, but I already feel a lot better about everything since we're not having to be awkward around everybody.

I got my N! And my mum is going away for 3 weeks so my daddykins will drive her car and I can drive his.
Cruising around Vancouver in a mercedes for 3 weeks? Ohhhh yeahhhh.

Also, I went to the zoo and it was amazing.
I'll post photos and stories soon.


Monday, June 7, 2010

A Phone Number Isn't A Marriage Proposal

We all know that guy (or girl), The Stage 5 Clinger. The person that sends you gooey love messages on your phone 2 minutes after you've officially started dating, and gets all teary eyed when you say you can't hang out the next day.

If only I'd been so lucky.

This guy went above and beyond. He rightfully earned his nickname, The Stage 55 Clinger.

He texted me (at 3 in the morning as I was sleeping) that he wanted to hold me in his arms and talk until the sun rose. I told him he sounded like a hostage taker, and he didn't get it. It gets worse folks! He asked when I was coming back to Edmonton and I told him at the end of the summer, I wasn't sure when just yet. He told me to come back next week because he couldn't wait that long to make me his. Excuse me? I DO NOT KNOW YOU.

If I say anything negative, will he climb up the side of my house into my window and abduct me like on Criminal Minds?!

This is the kind of guy that has hundreds of candid photos of me on his walls that I had no idea he has taken. Shudder.

So last night I'd finally had enough. I had been pretty blunt, telling him he didn't know me and that I wasn't jumping into anything with anyone. He wasn't getting it. So last night, I told him to delete my number and that I wasn't the girl for him. He was moving too fast, and frankly, he was freaking me out.

He told me he had to "go cry himself to sleep". Wow. I told him it's nothing to cry about, he doesn't know me. Apparently he felt that we had a "very strong connection" and that he was only "listening to his heart". Dude, you need hearing aids for that thing.

He kept blubbering and I told him goodluck and goodbye. He said he was going (thank god) then texts me 4 times ten minutes later.

"I didn't really want to say goodbye! I'm so tired of nobody taking the time to know me."
"I'm so sad, I can't stop crying :'("
"I wish you were here"
"Please change your mind"

My response? "Stop. You're making a fool of yourself. I don't know you, go sleep the beers off. Bye."

"Babe, I'm not drunk!!!"

Me, "God help us all then."

Then I turned me phone off.

Holy crap.


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