Sunday, September 13, 2009

Do Not Enter (My Pants)

Last night was res fest and it was a lot of fun...if you ignore the kick to the face, the drunken girls falling backwards, and the sweaty armpits in your mouth.
Yes, in your mouth.

Leather Jacket Club, Shiloh, The Latency (Vancouverites!), and 10 Second Epic played live and that was freaking awesome! The Latency were the best, personally, but I'm a little biased. I bought their cd after their show and Comet and I are burning it onto our laptops. The lead singer is gorgeous. I was close to jumping on stage and ripping his clothes off. When I say close, I mean really really close. My fingers were tingling, not to mention other places.

I'm ready to throw my laptop charger out the window. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I don't have $150 to shell out to buy a new one.

Computer dying. Will write more later.

I'm back a few hours later on Comet's computer. I was finally in my writing groove. Damn you computer, damn you.

Comet and I were floor housewives tonight and made the boys macaroni. We had a dance party in the kitchen and belted out ''You're So Vain''. The macaroni hit the spot - deeeeelish.
Comet is really into a boy on our floor and he happens to be a twin. She said, completely seriously, that she will make a ''twin sandwhich''. If I see one of the boys walking around looking traumatized I'll know what happened.

Gaga danced with a boy last night, Scarf Boy, that we all thought was gay. Turns out he's not - he tried to make out with her, braces and all. She solidly rejected him. Sorry, Gay Scarf Boy. Better luck time.

L and I went moshing and it was great. We started at the back of the crowd and somehow ended up front row center. It was PACKED. I got a lot of aggression out.

See? Now that I stopped writing I've lost my humour. I'm no longer funny and creative. I can't even remember what I did the past 2 days.

I've tried every flavour of Vitamin Water. That is actually pretty impressive when you think about it. Every. Single. Flavour. XXX and Grape are my favourite. 50 Cent being on the side of my bottle makes my life that bit sweeter.

I've been cleaning my room today which means I read 2 books. 2 full books. I'm very productive.
I'm being assigned an essay in English tomorrow and I just may crap my...boxers.

I've lost my humour like an 18 year old loses her virginity on prom night.

On a side note, I'm feeling weird about boys. As sad as it is, I can't get P out of my head. Life would be so different if we were together. As he said - we'd be living together. Most guys are here just to hook up (as are the girls), but I'm not the type of person to hook up with 3 guys in 2 days.

I miss you all! xx

New development: I was playing restaurant city on fb and all I got was a potato today. I've been waiting TWENTY FOUR HOURS for a POTATO?! I really do need someone to obsess over.


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