Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This Aching Heart Ain't Broken Yet

I have a short temper. I'm stubborn and I'm opinionated, and yes, sometimes I will frustrate you so much that you'll want to pack your bags and leave.

But I'm also intelligent and funny, good looking, and loyal. I will make your average day great and every moment better than the last. I will make you change your mind about leaving.

It's your turn to put in the work. I've realized I let guys walk all over me, and for what? It hasn't gotten me anywhere. Chasing you has done nothing but make me more aware of how alone I sometimes feel.

That's over with because I've had an epiphany. I could be that girl you want to write love songs about. I could be that voice on the end of the telephone that you're dying to hear. I could be that hand that fits yours.

All these "coulds" can change into "will be"s, but it's all up to you now.

Your choice. I will be fine either way, because I'll always be that great girl.

It's up to you whether I'm that great girl you passed up, or that great girl you're with.


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